Kildare County Council grant planning permission for the development of Athy Parish Centre. On 1st August 2023, the Sisters of Mercy gifted their building to the Parish of Athy. This building was formerly known as St Mary’s Resource Centre at Mount Hawkins, near Athy Church. Permission has been granted by Kildare County Council to change the use of this building to a parish centre. This will involve some internal alterations. The building will be wheelchair accessible by the inclusion of a new access ramp and wheelchair accessible toilets.
While awaiting the granting of planning permission, the community part of the building has been developed over the last year. Slaintecare are renting the two prefabs behind the building. Kildare Travellers Association, Athy Photographic Society, Childcare Solutions are also renting rooms. The building is also being used by Anchor Youth Club, Irish dancing classes, art classes, the Knitting Group and various parish groups. Conor McCann, the Parish Pastoral Worker has his office there.
Patricia Holligan has been appointed Athy Parish Centre Manager on 1st June. Until the work on the alterations of the Parish Centre are completed, she will continue in her present role as Parish Secretary. Again, we thank the Sisters of Mercy for their wonderful gift to the Parish of Athy. Now that planning permission has been granted, we hope to continue to develop the building for the benefit of the parish and the wider community.