Narraghmore Sustainable Energy Community – Community Survey

Published on September 20, 2024

Narraghmore is working to become a Sustainable Energy Community. This initiative is supported by SEAI who have approved Narraghmore for funding to complete an audit of how energy is used in our community to support the development of an Energy Master Plan.  The first step in becoming an SEC is to do an energy audit of our community – so to support this, we are asking the Narraghmore community to complete a short Home Energy Survey. Our Energy Consultants will then randomly select a small number of households to complete a free Home Energy Assessment worth up to €600. Information from the survey and Home Energy Assessments will provide much needed information for the consultants to prepare an Energy Master Plan for the Narraghmore community.

There is poster & flyers available at the end of the Church for further information and the link to the online survey.

Link to the survey for your website –